10 Best Landing Page Builders For Affiliates In 2024

by Abhigyan

Picture this: you’ve found the perfect product to promote, and your ads are on point, but your conversions are still falling flat.

What gives? The answer might be simpler than you think: your landing page.

Did you know that a well-crafted landing page can boost your conversions by a whopping 300%?

Yep, you read that right. The difference between mediocre results and a cash-flowing affiliate business often comes down to that crucial page where your potential customers land.

But here’s the catch – creating a killer landing page used to be a nightmare if you weren’t a coding wizard. Not anymore!

In 2024, we’re spoiled for choice with amazing landing page builders that make the process a breeze.

These tools are like having a professional web designer and conversion expert right at your fingertips.

But with so many options out there, how do you pick the right one? Don’t sweat it – we’ve done the hard work for you.

In this article, we’re going to walk you through the 10 best landing page builders that’ll help you create stunning, high-converting pages for your affiliate offers. 

Whether you’re promoting the latest tech gadgets, fitness programs, or financial services, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s see why these tools are necessary, what to look for while choosing the tools, and finally the list of top landing page builders.

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Let’s get real for a second – affiliate marketing is tough. You’re competing with thousands of other marketers, all vying for the same customers. 

So what sets the top earners apart from the rest? More often than not, it’s their ability to create irresistible landing pages that convert like crazy.

This is where landing page builders come into play, and boy, are they game-changers! These nifty tools take the headache out of creating professional-looking, high-converting pages. 

No more wrestling with code or paying through the nose for a web designer. 

With a good landing page builder, you can whip up a stunning page in no time, even if your tech skills are limited to sending emails and browsing Facebook.

But the benefits don’t stop at ease of use. The best landing page builders for affiliate marketing come packed with features designed to boost your conversions. 

We’re talking about mobile-responsive designs (because let’s face it, everyone’s on their phones these days), A/B testing capabilities to fine-tune your pages, and integrations with popular affiliate networks and tracking tools.

Think about it – your landing page is often the first impression a potential customer has of the product you’re promoting. 

A sleek, professional page builds trust and credibility. It showcases the product in the best light possible and addresses any objections your visitor might have. 

On the flip side, a clunky, amateur-looking page could send your hard-earned traffic running for the hills.

Moreover, trends change, hot products come and go, and being able to quickly create and modify your landing pages can give you a serious edge over the competition. 

With a good landing page builder, you can test new ideas, adapt to market changes, and optimize your campaigns on the fly.

In short, if you’re serious about making it big in affiliate marketing, a reliable landing page builder isn’t just nice to have – it’s essential. 

It’s the difference between struggling to make a few sales and running a thriving affiliate business that puts money in your pocket while you sleep.

How To Choose The Right Landing Page Builder

First things first, consider the nature of your affiliate products or services. 

Are you promoting physical products, digital downloads, or services? Each niche has its own unique requirements. 

For instance, if you’re in the e-commerce affiliate space, you’ll want a builder that offers product showcase templates and easy integration with shopping carts.

Next, take a good look at the customization options and template availability. The best landing page builders offer a wide range of templates tailored to different niches. 

However, you also want the flexibility to tweak these templates to match your brand and the specific product you’re promoting.

Don’t overlook the importance of A/B testing capabilities. 

The ability to create multiple versions of your landing page and test them against each other can dramatically improve your conversion rates over time. 

Look for builders that make this process straightforward and provide clear, actionable insights.

Analytics and tracking features are another crucial factor. 

You need to be able to measure the performance of your landing pages to know what’s working and what isn’t. 

The best landing page builders for affiliate marketing offer built-in analytics or seamless integration with popular tracking tools.

Consider the learning curve as well. Some builders are more intuitive than others. 

If you’re just starting out, you might prefer a tool with a gentle learning curve and excellent customer support. 

On the other hand, if you’re a seasoned pro, you might prioritize advanced features over ease of use.

Don’t forget about pricing. While it’s tempting to go for the cheapest option, remember that a good landing page builder is an investment in your business. 

Look for a balance between cost and features. Many builders offer tiered pricing plans, so you can start small and upgrade as your affiliate business grows.

Lastly, check out the integration capabilities. Can the builder connect easily with your email marketing software, CRM, or affiliate networks? 

The ability to create a seamless workflow can save you tons of time and headaches down the road.

Top 10 Landing Page Builders For Affiliates

1. Landingi


Landingi is a versatile landing page builder that has become increasingly popular among affiliate marketers due to its user-friendly interface and powerful features. 

The platform offers a drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy to create professional-looking landing pages, even if you have no design or coding experience. 

You can start with one of their many templates or build your page from scratch, giving you the flexibility to create pages that perfectly match your affiliate offers.

One of Landingi’s standout features is its extensive library of over 300 templates. 

These templates cover a wide range of industries and purposes, making it easy to find a starting point that suits your specific affiliate marketing needs. 

Whether you’re promoting physical products, digital downloads, or services, you’ll likely find a template that fits your requirements.

Landingi offers a unique feature called “smart sections,” which allows you to save and reuse custom-designed sections across different landing pages. 

This can be a huge time-saver for affiliate marketers managing multiple campaigns, as you can quickly replicate successful elements across different pages. 

It also helps maintain consistency in your designs, which can be crucial for building brand recognition.


The platform includes robust A/B testing capabilities, allowing you to create and test multiple versions of your landing pages to optimize for conversions. 

You can test different headlines, images, copy, or even entire layouts to see what resonates best with your audience. 

Landingi provides detailed analytics on your tests, helping you make data-driven decisions to improve your affiliate marketing campaigns.

For affiliate marketers who value collaboration, Landingi offers team features that allow you to work with others on your landing pages. 

You can assign different roles and permissions to team members, making it easy to manage larger affiliate marketing operations or work with clients and partners.

Landingi also stands out for its integrations with popular marketing tools and platforms. 

You can easily connect your landing pages with email marketing software, CRM systems, and analytics tools, creating a seamless workflow for your affiliate marketing campaigns. 

The platform also offers a WordPress plugin, allowing you to quickly publish your landing pages on WordPress sites. 

With its combination of ease of use, powerful features, and extensive template library, Landingi is a solid choice for affiliate marketers looking to create effective landing pages quickly and efficiently.

You should check our in-depth Landingi review to learn more about its features.

2. OptimizePress


OptimizePress is a comprehensive landing page and funnel builder that has gained a strong following among affiliate marketers, particularly those using WordPress. 

Unlike some other landing page builders, OptimizePress is a WordPress plugin, which means it integrates seamlessly with your existing WordPress site. 

This can be a significant advantage for affiliate marketers who already have a WordPress presence or prefer the flexibility and control that WordPress offers.

One of OptimizePress’s standout features is its ability to create not just landing pages, but entire sales funnels and membership sites. 

This makes it a versatile tool for affiliate marketers looking to build more complex marketing systems. 

You can create opt-in pages, sales pages, thank you pages, and even full-fledged membership areas to host your affiliate content or create additional revenue streams.

The platform offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy to design professional-looking pages without any coding knowledge. 

OptimizePress comes with a library of customizable templates, covering a wide range of purposes from webinar registration pages to product launch funnels. 

These templates are designed with conversion in mind, giving you a strong starting point for your affiliate marketing campaigns.


OptimizePress includes a feature called “OptimizePress Smart Theme,” which allows you to create a cohesive design across your entire WordPress site, not just your landing pages. 

This can be particularly useful for affiliate marketers who want to maintain a consistent brand experience throughout their site, from blog posts to landing pages and everything in between.

The platform offers robust integration capabilities, allowing you to connect your pages with a wide range of marketing tools and services. 

This includes email marketing platforms, payment gateways, and webinar software, among others. 

For affiliate marketers, this means you can easily set up automated systems to capture leads, process payments, and deliver content.

OptimizePress also includes features specifically designed for improving conversions. 

These include countdown timers, scarcity alerts, and one-click upsells, which can be powerful tools for boosting your affiliate conversions. 

The platform also offers A/B testing capabilities, allowing you to optimize your pages for maximum effectiveness.

For affiliate marketers concerned about page load speeds, OptimizePress has made significant improvements in recent versions to ensure fast-loading pages. 

This is crucial for maintaining good user experience and can positively impact your conversion rates. 

With its combination of WordPress integration, funnel-building capabilities, and conversion-focused features, OptimizePress is a powerful tool for affiliate marketers looking to create comprehensive marketing systems within the WordPress ecosystem.

3. Instapage


Instapage is a powerful landing page builder that has gained popularity among affiliate marketers for its advanced features and focus on conversion optimization. 

The platform offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor that allows you to create stunning, professional-looking landing pages without any coding knowledge. 

You can start with one of their many customizable templates or build your page from scratch, giving you complete control over your design.

One of Instapage’s standout features is its Instablocks system. 

This allows you to save and reuse custom-designed blocks across different landing pages, saving you time and ensuring consistency in your designs. 

For affiliate marketers managing multiple campaigns, this can be a huge time-saver and help maintain a cohesive brand across all your pages.

Instapage takes personalization to the next level with its Advanced Dynamic Text Replacement feature. 

This allows you to customize your landing page content based on your visitor’s search terms or other parameters. 

For affiliate marketers, this means you can create more relevant, targeted pages that speak directly to your audience’s interests, potentially boosting your conversion rates.


The platform also excels in its collaboration features. With Instapage, you can invite team members or clients to collaborate on your landing page designs in real-time. 

This can be particularly useful for affiliate marketers working with brands or partners, allowing for seamless feedback and approval processes.

Instapage offers robust A/B testing capabilities, allowing you to test different versions of your landing pages to optimize for conversions. 

You can test everything from headlines and images to entire page layouts, helping you refine your pages for maximum effectiveness. 

The platform provides detailed analytics and heatmaps, giving you insights into how visitors interact with your pages.

For affiliate marketers concerned about page speed (which can significantly impact conversions), Instapage has you covered. 

The platform is known for its fast-loading pages, which can help reduce bounce rates and improve user experience. 

Additionally, Instapage offers AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) landing pages, ensuring your pages load lightning-fast on mobile devices. 

With its combination of advanced features, personalization capabilities, and focus on speed and performance, Instapage is a robust choice for affiliate marketers looking to create high-converting landing pages.

4. Leadpages


Leadpages is a versatile landing page builder that’s gained a strong following among affiliate marketers due to its simplicity and effectiveness. 

The platform offers an intuitive drag-and-drop editor that makes creating professional-looking landing pages a breeze. 

Even if you’re new to landing page design, you can quickly put together a page that looks great and converts well.

One of Leadpages’ strongest points is its extensive library of templates. These templates are not just aesthetically pleasing, but they’re also designed with conversion in mind. 

Whether you’re promoting a physical product, a digital download, or a service, you’ll find templates tailored to your needs. 

This can be a huge time-saver for busy affiliate marketers who want to get their pages up and running quickly.

Leadpages goes beyond just landing pages, offering tools to create entire websites, pop-ups, alert bars, and opt-in forms. 

This makes it a versatile choice for affiliate marketers who want to create a cohesive online presence. 

You can easily create a branded website to host your various affiliate offers, complete with opt-in forms to build your email list.


The platform includes a unique feature called Leadboxes, which are customizable pop-up forms that can be triggered by clicks or timed to appear after a certain period. 

These can be powerful tools for capturing leads or promoting time-sensitive affiliate offers. 

You can even use Leadboxes on pages not hosted on Leadpages, giving you flexibility in how you deploy these conversion tools.

Leadpages also offers robust A/B testing capabilities. You can create multiple versions of your pages and test different elements to see what resonates best with your audience. 

This data-driven approach can help you continually improve your conversion rates and maximize your affiliate earnings.

For affiliate marketers concerned about page load speeds (which can significantly impact conversions), Leadpages has you covered. 

The platform is known for creating fast-loading pages, which is crucial for keeping visitors engaged and reducing bounce rates. 

Combined with built-in SEO settings, this can help your pages rank better in search results, potentially bringing in more organic traffic to your affiliate offers.

5. Elementor


Elementor is a versatile page builder plugin for WordPress that has gained immense popularity due to its user-friendly interface and powerful features. 

While it’s not exclusively a landing page builder, Elementor excels at creating high-converting landing pages, making it a favorite among many affiliate marketers.

The core strength of Elementor lies in its intuitive drag-and-drop editor. 

This visual editor allows you to see your changes in real-time, making the page creation process smooth and efficient. 

Even users with no coding experience can create professional-looking pages quickly and easily.

Elementor offers a vast library of widgets and pre-designed blocks that you can use to build your landing pages. 

These include essential elements like headings, images, and buttons, as well as more advanced features like countdown timers, forms, and pricing tables.

This wide array of elements gives you the flexibility to create highly customized landing pages tailored to your specific affiliate offers.


One of Elementor’s standout features is its Theme Builder capability. 

This allows you to design not just individual pages, but entire website layouts, including headers, footers, and archive pages. 

This means you can create a cohesive look and feel across your entire site, enhancing your brand consistency and potentially boosting trust with your audience.

Elementor also shines when it comes to responsiveness and mobile optimization. 

The plugin allows you to preview your pages on different device sizes and make specific adjustments for each, ensuring your landing pages look great and function well on all screens.

Another key advantage of Elementor is its extensive ecosystem of add-ons and integrations. 

There are numerous third-party extensions available that can extend Elementor’s functionality, adding features like advanced form builders, dynamic content, and enhanced styling options. 

This allows you to tailor the tool to your specific needs as an affiliate marketer, creating landing pages that are not just beautiful, but also highly functional and conversion-focused.

6. Unbounce


Unbounce is a powerhouse in the world of landing page builders, especially favored by affiliate marketers who want to create high-converting pages quickly and easily. 

This tool offers a drag-and-drop editor that makes page creation a breeze, even for those without any coding knowledge. 

You can start with one of their many customizable templates or build your page from scratch, giving you the flexibility to match your vision perfectly.

One of Unbounce’s standout features is its A/B testing capability. 

This allows you to create multiple versions of your landing page and test them against each other to see which one performs best. 

You can test different headlines, images, copy, or even entire layouts to optimize your conversion rates continually.

For affiliate marketers dealing with multiple products or niches, Unbounce’s Dynamic Text Replacement feature is a game-changer. 

This feature automatically customizes your landing page content based on the user’s search query, making your page more relevant and boosting your chances of conversion.


Unbounce also shines when it comes to integrations. It plays well with a wide range of marketing tools, CRMs, and analytics platforms, allowing you to create a seamless workflow. 

This means you can easily connect your landing pages to your email marketing software, affiliate networks, or tracking tools.

Mobile responsiveness is another area where Unbounce excels. 

With more and more traffic coming from mobile devices, having a page that looks great on all screen sizes is crucial. 

Unbounce ensures your pages are fully responsive, and you can even customize how your page looks on different devices.

Lastly, Unbounce offers robust analytics and reporting features. 

You can track your page’s performance, see where your conversions are coming from, and gain insights to help you improve your campaigns. 

With its combination of ease of use, powerful features, and flexibility, Unbounce is a top choice for many affiliate marketers looking to boost their conversion rates.

7. ClickFunnels


ClickFunnels is more than just a landing page builder – it’s an all-in-one sales funnel solution that’s become increasingly popular among affiliate marketers. 

At its core, ClickFunnels allows you to create not just individual landing pages, but entire sales funnels. 

This means you can guide your visitors through a carefully crafted journey, from the initial landing page to upsells, downsells, and thank you pages.

The tool offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor that makes creating your pages and funnels straightforward. 

You can choose from a variety of pre-built templates designed for different industries and purposes, or start from a blank canvas. 

This flexibility allows you to create pages that perfectly match your affiliate offers and brand.

One of ClickFunnels’ standout features is its focus on conversion optimization. 

The tool includes elements like countdown timers, pop-ups, and one-click upsells that can significantly boost your conversion rates. 

For affiliate marketers, this means more chances to maximize the value of each visitor.


ClickFunnels also offers robust email marketing and automation capabilities. 

You can create email sequences, segment your list, and trigger automated responses based on user actions. 

This allows you to nurture your leads and guide them towards making a purchase, which is especially valuable for affiliate marketers promoting higher-ticket items.

The platform includes built-in analytics and tracking, allowing you to monitor the performance of your funnels in real-time. 

You can see where visitors are dropping off, which pages are converting best, and how much revenue each funnel is generating. 

This data is invaluable for continually refining and improving your affiliate marketing campaigns.

For those who want to take their affiliate marketing to the next level, ClickFunnels offers advanced features like membership sites and webinar funnels. 

These can be powerful tools for building authority in your niche and creating additional income streams alongside your affiliate promotions. 

With its comprehensive feature set and focus on creating complete sales funnels, ClickFunnels is a robust choice for affiliate marketers looking to maximize their conversions and revenue.

8. Thrive Architect


Thrive Architect is a powerful WordPress plugin designed specifically for creating high-converting landing pages and content. 

This tool stands out for its focus on conversion optimization and its extensive library of pre-designed, conversion-focused elements. 

With Thrive Architect, you can create stunning pages using a visual, drag-and-drop editor that gives you real-time feedback on how your page will look.

One of Thrive Architect’s key strengths is its speed and efficiency. 

The plugin is designed to be lightweight and fast-loading, which is crucial for maintaining good user experience and improving conversion rates. 

This is particularly beneficial for affiliate marketers who need their pages to load quickly to keep potential customers engaged.

Thrive Architect comes with a wide array of pre-built landing page templates, covering various niches and purposes. 

These templates are not just visually appealing but are also designed with conversion principles in mind. 

Whether you’re creating a sales page, a lead generation page, or a product review page for your affiliate offers, you’ll likely find a template that fits your needs.


The plugin offers a unique feature called “Smart Landing Pages,” which allows you to create entire sales funnels within WordPress. 

This includes opt-in pages, thank you pages, and even webinar registration pages. 

For affiliate marketers, this means you can create a cohesive user journey to guide your visitors towards your affiliate offers.

Thrive Architect also excels in its integrations with other marketing tools. 

It works seamlessly with popular email marketing services, allowing you to connect your opt-in forms directly to your email lists. 

This makes it easy to capture leads and nurture them through your affiliate marketing funnel.

Another standout feature of Thrive Architect is its focus on mobile responsiveness. 

Thrive Architect ensures your pages are fully responsive and even allows you to make device-specific customizations to optimize the user experience across all screen sizes.

9. Lander


Lander is a dedicated landing page builder that focuses on simplicity and effectiveness. 

This tool is designed to help marketers, including affiliate marketers, create high-converting landing pages quickly and easily, without the need for any coding knowledge.

One of Lander’s key features is its intuitive drag-and-drop editor. 

This visual editor allows you to build your landing pages by simply dragging elements onto the page and arranging them as you see fit. 

The interface is clean and user-friendly, making it accessible even to those new to landing page creation.

Lander offers a variety of pre-designed templates to help you get started quickly. 

These templates cover a range of purposes, from lead generation to product promotion, making them suitable for various affiliate marketing campaigns. 

Each template is fully customizable, allowing you to adjust colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand and specific needs.


Lander also offers A/B testing capabilities. The platform allows you to create multiple versions of your landing page and test them against each other to see which performs best.

This data-driven approach can help you continually improve your conversion rates, which is crucial for successful affiliate marketing.

Lander also excels in its integration capabilities. The platform can connect with a variety of popular marketing tools, including email marketing services, CRM systems, and analytics platforms. 

This allows you to create a seamless workflow, easily capturing leads and tracking the performance of your affiliate campaigns.

Another important aspect of Lander is its focus on mobile responsiveness. 

Lander ensures that your pages are fully responsive, adapting to different screen sizes to provide an optimal user experience across all devices.

10. Swipe Pages


Swipe Pages is a modern, innovative landing page builder designed with a focus on speed and conversion optimization. 

This tool stands out for its unique approach to page building, which emphasizes modularity and performance.

One of the key features of Swipe Pages is its modular building system. 

Instead of starting with a blank canvas, you build your pages using pre-designed sections that you can customize and rearrange. 

This approach not only speeds up the design process but also ensures that your pages follow established design principles for better conversions.

Swipe Pages places a strong emphasis on page speed, which is crucial for both user experience and SEO. 

The platform uses advanced techniques like lazy loading and optimized code to ensure that your landing pages load quickly, even on slower connections. 

This can be a significant advantage for affiliate marketers, as faster pages tend to have higher conversion rates.


Swipe Pages also has built-in conversion optimization tools. 

The platform includes features like exit-intent popups, sticky bars, and two-step opt-ins, which can help increase your conversion rates.

Swipe Pages offers robust A/B testing capabilities. You can easily create multiple versions of your landing pages and test different elements to see what resonates best with your audience. 

The platform provides detailed analytics on your tests, helping you make data-driven decisions to improve your affiliate marketing campaigns.

The tool also excels in its approach to mobile optimization. Swipe Pages uses a mobile-first design approach, ensuring that your landing pages look great and function well on all devices. 

You can preview your pages on different screen sizes and make device-specific adjustments, which is essential in today’s mobile-dominated internet landscape.

Furthermore, Swipe Pages offers seamless integrations with a variety of marketing tools and platforms. 

You can easily connect your landing pages with email marketing software, CRM systems, and analytics tools, creating a smooth workflow for your affiliate marketing campaigns. 

This integration capability allows you to automate many aspects of your marketing process, from lead capture to follow-up and tracking.

Tips For Creating High-Converting Landing Pages:

First up, let’s talk about the essential elements of an effective affiliate landing page. 

Your headline is crucial – it needs to grab attention and clearly communicate the value proposition of the product you’re promoting. 

Make it bold, make it clear, and make it benefit-driven. Remember, you only have a few seconds to capture your visitor’s interest.

Next, focus on your copy. Your words need to do the heavy lifting of convincing your visitor that they absolutely need this product in their life. 

Use clear, concise language that speaks directly to your audience’s pain points and desires. Break up your text into easily digestible chunks – no one likes to read a wall of text.

Visuals are your best friend when it comes to affiliate landing pages. Use high-quality images or videos of the product in action. 

If possible, include before-and-after photos or demonstrations of the product solving a problem. This helps your visitors visualize the benefits they’ll receive.

Social proof is a powerful conversion tool. Include testimonials, reviews, or case studies from satisfied customers. 

If the product has been featured in well-known publications or has won awards, make sure to highlight these as well. This builds trust and credibility, which are crucial for affiliate sales.

Your call-to-action (CTA) can make or break your conversion rate. 

Make your CTA button stand out with contrasting colors and compelling, action-oriented text. Instead of boring old “Buy Now,” try something like “Yes, I Want To [Benefit]!” or “Get My [Product] Today!”

Don’t forget about mobile users. Ensure your landing page looks great and functions perfectly on all devices. A mobile-friendly design is no longer optional – it’s essential.

Consider using scarcity and urgency tactics ethically. Limited-time offers or exclusive bonuses can encourage visitors to take action now rather than later.

Lastly, keep your landing page focused on a single goal. Remove any unnecessary links or distractions that could lead your visitor away from the main CTA. 

The fewer decisions your visitor has to make, the more likely they are to make the one you want – clicking that affiliate link!

Final Thoughts On Best Landing Page Builders

Landing page builders allow you to quickly create professional, high-converting pages without needing a degree in web design or a hefty budget for developers.

The best landing page builder for you depends on your specific needs, technical skills, and the products you’re promoting. 

Maybe you’re a WordPress wizard who’ll love Elementor’s flexibility. Or perhaps you’re after the simplicity and speed of Landingi.

So, what’s your next move? Pick a tool that resonates with you and start experimenting. 

Create a landing page, tweak it, test it, and then tweak it some more. Every page you build is a step towards mastering the art of conversion.

And hey, don’t be afraid to switch things up if your first choice doesn’t click!


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Abhigyan Mahanta

Abhigyan Mahanta

Hi! I’m Abhigyan, a passionate remote web developer and writer with a love for all things digital. My journey as a remote worker has led me to explore the dynamic landscape of remote companies. Through my writing, I share insights and tips on how remote teams can thrive and stay connected, drawing from my own experiences and industry best practices. Additionally, I’m a dedicated advocate for those venturing into the world of affiliate marketing. I specialize in creating beginner-friendly guides and helping newbie affiliates navigate this exciting online realm.

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