10 Best Social Proof Tools For Affiliate Websites

by Abhigyan

Did you know that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from other people more than they trust branded content? 

That’s right – social proof isn’t just a fancy marketing term, it’s the secret weapon that can send your conversions through the roof!

You know that people are bombarded with ads and marketing messages left and right. 

They’ve become skeptical, always looking for genuine experiences and trustworthy information. 

This is where social proof comes in, acting like a friendly nudge from someone they trust, saying, “Hey, this product is awesome!”

Imagine walking down a street with two restaurants side by side. The first is empty, while the second has a line out the door. Which one would you choose? 

Most likely, you’d join the crowd at the bustling restaurant. That’s social proof in action – we tend to follow the crowd, assuming that if lots of people like something, it must be good.

Now picture your website as that restaurant, but instead of a physical line, you have customer reviews, testimonials, and real-time notifications showing recent purchases. 

These elements create a virtual buzz around your products or services, making potential customers more likely to trust and choose you.

But here’s the kicker – implementing effective social proof isn’t just about slapping a few reviews on your website and calling it a day. 

That’s where social proof tools come in. These nifty solutions help you gather, display, and leverage social proof in ways that can dramatically boost your conversions.

In this article, we’ll explore what social proofs are and why they matter, how to choose the right one for your business, and the list of best social proof tools out there. 

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Social proof is like a digital version of word-of-mouth marketing. 

Remember when you’d ask your friends for recommendations before trying a new restaurant or buying a new gadget?

Well, social proof brings that same trust-building power to the online world.

At its core, social proof is based on the psychological principle that people tend to follow the actions of others, especially when they’re unsure about what to do. 

In the context of marketing and sales, social proof shows potential customers that others have had positive experiences with your product or service, making them more likely to take the plunge themselves.

There are several types of social proof you can leverage. User testimonials are perhaps the most common – these are real comments from satisfied customers singing your praises. 

Expert endorsements carry weight too, as people tend to trust the opinions of industry leaders. 

Then there’s the wisdom of the crowd, which showcases how many people have bought your product or subscribed to your service.

But why does all this matter? Well, in today’s skeptical consumer landscape, trust is everything. 

People are bombarded with marketing messages every day, and they’ve developed a pretty good BS detector. 

Social proof cuts through the noise by providing authentic, relatable experiences from real people.

Moreover, social proof can significantly impact your bottom line. Studies have shown that incorporating social proof elements can increase conversion rates by up to 34%. 

That’s a massive boost that can make a real difference to your business growth.

Social proof also helps to reduce the perceived risk of making a purchase. 

When someone sees that others have had a positive experience, it alleviates their concerns and makes them feel more confident in their decision. 

This is especially important for higher-priced items or services where the stakes are higher.

How To Choose The Right Social Proof Tool

The first step is to take a good, hard look at your specific needs. Are you looking to increase sales on your e-commerce site?

Or maybe you want to boost sign-ups for your SaaS product? Different tools excel at different things, so having a clear idea of what you want to achieve will help narrow down your options.

Next, consider your budget and scalability requirements. 

Some tools offer free plans with basic features, while others are geared towards enterprise-level businesses with hefty price tags. 

Think about where your business is now and where you want it to be in the future. 

You don’t want to outgrow your tool too quickly, but you also don’t want to pay for features you won’t use.

Ease of use and integration capabilities are crucial factors to consider. 

You want a tool that’s intuitive and doesn’t require a PhD in computer science to set up. 

Look for tools that offer easy integration with your existing systems, whether that’s your e-commerce platform, CRM, or email marketing software.

Furthermore, your social proof elements should look great and function smoothly on all devices. 

Some tools offer mobile-specific features, like adapting the size and placement of notifications for smaller screens.

Customization options are another important consideration. Your social proof should blend seamlessly with your brand’s look and feel. 

Look for tools that allow you to customize colors, fonts, and messaging to match your brand identity.

Lastly, don’t forget about data and analytics. The best social proof tools provide detailed insights into how your social proof elements are performing. 

This allows you to test different approaches, optimize your strategy, and ultimately get the best return on your investment.

Top 10 Social Proof Tools For Affiliate Websites

1. Trustmary


Trustmary is a comprehensive testimonial management and social proof platform designed to help businesses leverage the power of customer feedback to boost credibility and drive conversions. 

This versatile tool offers a range of features that streamline the process of collecting, managing, and showcasing customer testimonials across various digital touchpoints.

At the core of Trustmary’s offering is its advanced testimonial collection system. 

The platform provides multiple ways to gather feedback from customers, including customizable email campaigns, on-site forms, and even video testimonial requests. 

This multi-channel approach ensures that businesses can capture a diverse range of customer experiences and opinions, creating a rich pool of social proof content.

Trustmary takes testimonial management to the next level with its AI-powered content analysis features. 

The platform uses natural language processing to automatically categorize and tag testimonials based on sentiment, keywords, and themes. 

This intelligent system makes it easy for businesses to quickly identify their most impactful testimonials and deploy them strategically across their marketing efforts.

The platform offers a variety of display options for showcasing testimonials on websites and landing pages. 

Users can choose from a range of pre-designed widgets, including carousels, grids, and pop-ups, or create custom layouts to match their brand aesthetic. 

Trustmary also provides dynamic testimonial targeting, allowing businesses to display the most relevant feedback based on factors like visitor location, product viewed, or stage in the customer journey.


For businesses looking to leverage video testimonials, Trustmary offers robust video collection and management features. 

The platform makes it easy to request, collect, and edit video testimonials from customers, providing a powerful form of social proof that can significantly impact conversion rates. 

These video testimonials can be seamlessly integrated into websites, landing pages, and even email marketing campaigns.

Trustmary includes advanced A/B testing capabilities, allowing users to experiment with different testimonial placements, formats, and content to optimize their impact. 

The platform provides detailed analytics on testimonial performance, including views, engagement rates, and conversion attribution. 

This data-driven approach enables businesses to continually refine their testimonial strategy and maximize the effectiveness of their social proof efforts.

The platform also offers integration with popular CRM and marketing automation tools, making it easy to incorporate testimonial collection and display into existing workflows. 

For example, businesses can automatically trigger testimonial requests after a positive customer interaction or purchase, streamlining the feedback collection process.

Trustmary places a strong emphasis on compliance and authenticity. 

The platform includes features for verifying testimonial sources and obtaining proper consent for publication. 

This focus on credibility helps businesses build genuine trust with their audience while adhering to legal and ethical standards for testimonial use.

Take a look at this in-depth Trustmary review to learn more about its features, solutions, and pricing plans.



FOMO, short for “Fear of Missing Out,” is a dynamic social proof tool designed to boost conversions and create a sense of urgency on your website. 

This platform leverages real-time user activity to encourage visitors to take action, whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or engaging with your content.

At the heart of FOMO’s offerings are its customizable notification popups. 

These small, unobtrusive messages appear on your website, showcasing recent actions taken by other users. 

For example, a popup might display “Alex from New York just bought a Premium Package.” 

These notifications can be tailored to show various types of activity, including purchases, sign-ups, reviews, or any custom event you define.

FOMO provides extensive customization options for its notifications. 

You can adjust the appearance to match your brand’s aesthetic, including colors, fonts, and positioning on the page. 

The platform also allows you to control the timing and frequency of notifications, ensuring they enhance rather than disrupt the user experience.


The tool offers advanced targeting capabilities, allowing you to display different notifications based on various factors. 

You can target by page URL, user location, device type, or even custom parameters. 

This level of specificity ensures that visitors see the most relevant social proof for their situation, increasing its effectiveness.

FOMO goes beyond simple notifications with its “Pulse” feature. 

This tool displays an aggregate count of recent activity, such as “43 people signed up in the last 24 hours.” 

Pulse can be particularly effective for showcasing overall popularity or demand for your products or services.

The platform provides robust analytics to help you measure the impact of your social proof efforts. 

You can track views, clicks, and conversions attributed to FOMO notifications. 

This data allows you to continually refine your strategy and maximize the effectiveness of your social proof elements.

3. ProveSource


ProveSource is a powerful social proof tool designed to boost conversions and build trust on your website. 

This platform offers a range of features that leverage real-time user activity to create a sense of urgency and credibility for your products or services.

The core feature of ProveSource is its live notification system. These small, customizable popups appear on your website, displaying recent actions taken by other users. 

For example, a notification might show “Sarah from New York just purchased Product X.” 

These real-time updates can significantly influence visitor behavior by demonstrating that others are actively engaging with your brand.

ProveSource offers advanced targeting options, allowing you to display different notifications based on various factors. 

You can target by page URL, user location, device type, or even custom parameters. 

This level of specificity ensures that visitors see the most relevant social proof for their situation, increasing its effectiveness.


The platform provides extensive customization options for its notifications. 

You can adjust the appearance to match your brand’s aesthetic, including colors, fonts, and positioning on the page. 

ProveSource also allows you to control the timing and frequency of notifications, ensuring they enhance rather than disrupt the user experience.

For businesses looking to showcase their global reach, ProveSource offers a live visitor counter. 

This feature displays the number of people currently browsing your website, which can be particularly impressive for high-traffic sites. 

You can even filter this to show visitors from specific countries or regions, adding an extra layer of relevance for your audience.

ProveSource includes robust analytics capabilities, allowing you to track the performance of your social proof elements. 

You can measure views, clicks, and conversions attributed to ProveSource notifications, helping you understand their impact on your bottom line. 

This data-driven approach enables you to continually optimize your social proof strategy for maximum effectiveness.

4. Fera.ai


Fera.ai is a comprehensive e-commerce optimization platform that offers a wide range of tools to boost conversions and enhance the shopping experience. 

This versatile solution provides multiple features designed to build trust, create urgency, and personalize the customer journey.

At the heart of Fera.ai’s offering is its social proof notifications. 

These customizable popups showcase recent purchases, signups, or other actions taken by visitors to your site. 

By displaying real-time activity, Fera.ai helps create a sense of popularity and urgency around your products or services.

The platform goes beyond basic social proof with its advanced personalization features. 

Fera.ai uses machine learning to analyze visitor behavior and display targeted messages or offers. 

For example, it might show a discount code to a visitor who’s about to leave the site or recommend products based on browsing history.


Fera.ai offers a suite of conversion optimization tools, including countdown timers, stock counters, and exit-intent popups. 

These features work together to create a sense of scarcity and urgency, encouraging visitors to make a purchase before it’s too late.

The platform provides a robust A/B testing system, allowing you to experiment with different messaging, designs, and offers. 

This data-driven approach helps you continually refine your strategy and identify the most effective ways to engage your audience.

Fera.ai includes advanced analytics capabilities, giving you deep insights into visitor behavior and the performance of your optimization efforts. 

You can track key metrics like conversion rate, average order value, and revenue per visitor, helping you understand the ROI of your Fera.ai implementation.

5. Nudgify


Nudgify is a versatile social proof and conversion optimization tool designed to gently guide visitors towards desired actions on your website. 

This platform offers a range of features that leverage psychological principles to boost engagement and conversions.

The core feature of Nudgify is its customizable notification system. 

These small, unobtrusive messages appear on your website, displaying various types of social proof or targeted information. 

For example, a notification might show recent purchases, current visitor count, or limited-time offers.

Nudgify offers a unique “Smart Timing” feature that uses artificial intelligence to determine the optimal moment to display notifications to each visitor. 

This intelligent approach ensures that your social proof elements are shown when they’re most likely to have a positive impact, rather than feeling intrusive or annoying.

The platform provides a wide range of notification types to suit different business needs. 

These include recent sales notifications, stock level alerts, visitor counts, and custom messages. 

You can mix and match these notification types to create a dynamic and engaging experience for your website visitors.


Nudgify places a strong emphasis on GDPR compliance and data privacy. 

The platform offers features like IP anonymization and allows you to fully customize the data you collect and display. 

This commitment to privacy can be particularly valuable for businesses operating in regions with strict data protection regulations.

The tool includes advanced targeting options, allowing you to display different notifications based on factors like page URL, visitor location, device type, or custom parameters. 

This level of specificity ensures that your social proof elements are always relevant and contextual.

Nudgify provides comprehensive analytics to help you measure the impact of your social proof efforts. 

You can track views, clicks, and conversions attributed to Nudgify notifications, as well as monitor overall engagement metrics. 

This data-driven approach allows you to continually refine your strategy and maximize the effectiveness of your social proof elements.

6. Evidence


Evidence is a powerful tool that helps businesses and websites build credibility by displaying social proof notifications. 

These notifications show real-time activities like recent purchases, sign-ups, or visits on a website. 

By doing so, they create a sense of urgency and trust, encouraging others to take similar actions. 

The tool displays these notifications in a way that is visually appealing, and businesses can customize the notifications to match their branding. 

This feature is particularly useful for e-commerce platforms, online courses, or any service-based websites where showing customer engagement can boost conversions.

Evidence offers detailed conversion tracking, allowing businesses to see exactly how the social proof notifications are impacting their sales or sign-ups. 

The tool integrates with various analytics platforms, making it easy to track user behavior from the moment they see a notification to when they complete a purchase or sign up. 

This data is valuable for understanding the effectiveness of the notifications and making informed decisions on how to optimize them. 

By analyzing this information, businesses can tweak their strategies to improve overall performance and increase their conversion rates.

The tool provides extensive customization options, enabling businesses to tailor the look and feel of their social proof notifications. 

Users can choose from different templates, adjust the color schemes, and even modify the text to suit their brand’s voice.

Additionally, the notifications can be set to display at specific times or intervals, ensuring they appear at the most opportune moments. 

This level of customization ensures that the notifications blend seamlessly with the website’s design and do not disrupt the user experience. 

Businesses can experiment with different styles and settings to find what works best for their audience.


Evidence integrates with a wide range of platforms and tools, making it highly versatile and easy to use. It can connect with popular email marketing services, 

CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and more. This allows businesses to pull in data from various sources and use it to create more targeted and relevant notifications. 

The integrations are designed to be straightforward, so even users with minimal technical knowledge can set them up quickly. 

This makes it easy to incorporate Evidence into an existing marketing stack and start leveraging social proof right away.

Another key feature of Evidence is its geo-targeting capability. This allows businesses to display notifications to users based on their geographic location. 

By showing relevant social proof that resonates with users in a specific area, businesses can create a more personalized and impactful experience. 

For instance, a notification showing a recent purchase by someone in the same city as the user can have a stronger influence than a generic notification. 

Geo-targeting helps businesses connect with their audience on a more personal level, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Evidence includes built-in A/B testing features, which allow businesses to test different versions of their social proof notifications to see which ones perform better. 

This is crucial for optimizing the effectiveness of the notifications and maximizing conversions. 

By testing different designs, messages, or timing, businesses can gather data on what works best for their audience. 

The A/B testing process is simple to set up within the tool, and results are presented in a clear, easy-to-understand format. 

This enables businesses to make data-driven decisions and continually improve their social proof strategy.

7. TrustPulse


TrustPulse is a social proof tool that aims to increase website conversions by showcasing real-time user activity. 

This platform offers a straightforward yet effective approach to building trust and encouraging action from your website visitors.

The main feature of TrustPulse is its “Recent Activity” notifications. 

These small popups appear on your website, displaying actions that other users have recently taken. 

For instance, it might show “Sarah from London just signed up for our newsletter.” 

This real-time proof of engagement can significantly influence other visitors’ decisions.

TrustPulse also offers “On-Fire” notifications, which aggregate multiple actions into a single message. 

For example, “27 people signed up for our webinar in the last 24 hours.” 

This feature is particularly useful for showcasing popular products or high-demand services, creating a sense of urgency among potential customers.


The platform provides flexible targeting options, allowing you to display different notifications based on the specific pages a visitor is viewing. 

This means you can tailor your social proof to be as relevant as possible, increasing its effectiveness. 

For instance, you could show purchase notifications on product pages and signup notifications on your homepage.

TrustPulse prides itself on being user-friendly and easy to set up. 

The platform offers a simple drag-and-drop editor for customizing your notifications, making it accessible even for those without technical expertise. 

You can adjust colors, fonts, positioning, and timing to ensure your social proof elements blend seamlessly with your website design.

For businesses concerned about privacy, TrustPulse offers robust anonymization options. 

You can choose to display only partial names or locations, or use completely anonymous notifications if preferred. 

This allows you to leverage the power of social proof while respecting your customers’ privacy.

8. UseProof


UseProof is a comprehensive social proof platform that offers a suite of tools designed to increase conversions and build trust with website visitors. 

This versatile solution provides multiple ways to showcase social proof, catering to different business needs and strategies.

The platform’s flagship feature is its “Live Visitor Count,” which displays the number of people currently browsing your website. 

This real-time data can create a sense of popularity and active engagement, especially valuable for e-commerce sites or event pages. 

You can customize this feature to show total visitors or filter by specific pages or product categories.

UseProof also offers “Recent Activity” notifications, similar to other social proof tools. 

These popups show recent actions taken by other users, such as purchases, sign-ups, or downloads. 

The platform allows for extensive customization of these notifications, including the ability to set delays, control frequency, and target specific pages or user segments.


For businesses looking to leverage FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), UseProof’s “Hot Streaks” feature is particularly effective. 

This tool showcases how many people have taken a specific action within a set time frame, creating a sense of urgency and encouraging visitors to follow suit.

UseProof goes beyond just showing numbers and notifications. 

The platform also offers a “Social Proof Banner” feature, which allows you to display customer testimonials, trust badges, or other credibility indicators in a prominent banner on your site. 

This can be especially powerful for building trust and showcasing your brand’s reputation.

The platform provides detailed analytics, allowing you to track the performance of your social proof elements. 

You can see how many people have viewed your notifications, how many have clicked on them, and how they’ve impacted your conversion rates. 

This data-driven approach enables you to continually refine and optimize your social proof strategy.

UseProof is designed with ease of use in mind, offering a user-friendly interface and quick setup process. 

The platform integrates with a wide range of popular marketing and e-commerce tools, making it simple to incorporate into your existing tech stack. 

Despite its powerful features, UseProof aims to be accessible to businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

9. Provely


Provely is a versatile social proof tool that aims to increase conversions by showcasing real-time user activity on your website. 

This platform offers a range of features designed to build trust and create a sense of urgency among your visitors.

The core feature of Provely is its live social proof notifications. These small popups appear on your website, displaying recent actions taken by other users. 

For instance, a notification might show “Emma from London just registered for the webinar.” 

These real-time updates can significantly influence visitor behavior by demonstrating that others are actively engaging with your brand.

Provely offers a unique “Smart Targeting” feature that allows you to display different types of notifications based on the specific page a visitor is viewing. 

For example, you could show purchase notifications on product pages, signup notifications on your homepage, and download notifications on your resources page. 

This targeted approach ensures that visitors see the most relevant social proof for their current context.


The platform provides extensive customization options for its notifications. 

You can adjust the appearance to match your brand’s look and feel, including colors, fonts, and imagery. 

Provely also allows you to control the timing and frequency of notifications, ensuring they enhance rather than detract from the user experience.

For businesses looking to leverage scarcity and urgency, Provely offers countdown timers and limited quantity alerts. 

These features can be particularly effective for time-sensitive offers or products with limited stock, encouraging visitors to take action before it’s too late.

Provely includes robust analytics capabilities, allowing you to track the performance of your social proof elements. 

You can measure views, clicks, and conversions attributed to Provely notifications, helping you understand their impact on your bottom line. 

This data-driven approach enables you to continually optimize your social proof strategy for maximum effectiveness.

10. Yotpo


Yotpo is a comprehensive user-generated content (UGC) and reviews platform that goes beyond traditional social proof tools. 

This powerful solution offers a suite of features designed to collect, manage, and showcase customer content, ultimately driving trust and conversions for your business.

At the core of Yotpo’s offering is its advanced review system. 

The platform makes it easy to collect reviews from customers through automated email requests and on-site prompts. 

These reviews can then be displayed on your product pages, providing valuable social proof to potential buyers.

Yotpo’s review system also includes features like star ratings, review request customization, and the ability to respond to reviews directly.

Yotpo takes reviews a step further with its Visual Marketing solution. 

This feature allows you to collect and display user-generated photos and videos alongside written reviews. 

By showcasing real customers using your products, you can provide authentic visual social proof that can significantly impact purchasing decisions.


The platform offers a robust Q&A system that allows customers to ask and answer questions about your products. 

This community-driven approach not only provides valuable information to potential buyers but also reduces the burden on your customer service team. 

The Q&A feature can be displayed on product pages, creating an interactive and informative shopping experience.

Yotpo includes a loyalty and referral program feature, allowing you to reward customers for leaving reviews, making purchases, or referring friends. 

This integrated approach helps you generate more social proof while also encouraging customer retention and acquisition.

For businesses looking to leverage social proof across multiple channels, Yotpo offers social curation and commerce features. 

You can collect and display user-generated content from social media platforms, turning your satisfied customers into brand advocates. 

The platform also allows you to make this content shoppable, creating a seamless path from inspiration to purchase.

Yotpo provides in-depth analytics and insights, allowing you to measure the impact of your UGC and reviews on your business. 

You can track metrics like review volume, sentiment, and conversion impact, helping you understand the ROI of your social proof efforts. 

The platform also offers AI-powered insights to help you identify trends and opportunities in your customer feedback.

Tips For Implementing Social Proof Tools

When it comes to implementing social proof tools, there’s more to it than just installing the software and letting it run. 

To get the most bang for your buck, you’ll want to follow some best practices that’ll really make your social proof shine.

First up, let’s talk about authenticity. In a world where fake reviews and paid endorsements are all too common, genuine social proof is worth its weight in gold. 

When collecting testimonials or reviews, encourage your customers to be specific about what they loved about your product or service. 

Real, detailed experiences are far more convincing than vague, generic praise.

Timing is everything when it comes to displaying social proof. You want to show the right message at the right time to maximize its impact. 

For example, showing how many people have purchased a product might work well on a product page, while displaying recent sign-ups could be more effective on a landing page for a service. 

Experiment with different types of social proof at various stages of the customer journey to see what works best.

Balance is key when implementing social proof. While you want to showcase your popularity and credibility, you don’t want to overwhelm your visitors with too many notifications or popups. 

This can be distracting and might even hurt your user experience. Aim for a subtle yet noticeable approach that enhances rather than detracts from your site’s main content.

Personalization can take your social proof to the next level. 

Many advanced social proof tools allow you to tailor your messages based on factors like the visitor’s location, browsing history, or referral source. 

For instance, you could show testimonials from customers in the same city as the visitor, or highlight reviews that mention a specific feature the visitor has been looking at.

Don’t forget about mobile users! With more and more people browsing and shopping on their smartphones, your social proof needs to be mobile-friendly. 

This means ensuring that notifications are easy to read and don’t obscure important content on smaller screens. 

Some tools even offer mobile-specific features, like swipeable testimonials, that can enhance the mobile experience.

Lastly, always keep an eye on regulations and best practices around privacy and data protection. Make sure your social proof tool complies with regulations like GDPR and CCPA. 

Be transparent about how you’re collecting and using customer data for social proof, and always give users the option to opt out if they wish.

Final Thoughts On Best Social Proof Tools

When implementing your chosen tool, focus on authenticity and strategic placement. 

Real, detailed testimonials and reviews will always be more convincing than vague or generic praise. 

And remember, timing is everything – show the right social proof at the right moment in the customer journey for maximum impact.

Measuring the impact of your social proof efforts is key to continual improvement.

Keep a close eye on your conversion rates, click-through rates, and other relevant metrics. 

Don’t be afraid to experiment with A/B testing to fine-tune your approach and get the best possible results.

With the power of social proof on your side, you’re well on your way to building trust, credibility, and ultimately, a more successful business.

So go ahead, give these tools a shot, and let us know how they worked out for you in the comments!


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Abhigyan Mahanta

Abhigyan Mahanta

Hi! I’m Abhigyan, a passionate remote web developer and writer with a love for all things digital. My journey as a remote worker has led me to explore the dynamic landscape of remote companies. Through my writing, I share insights and tips on how remote teams can thrive and stay connected, drawing from my own experiences and industry best practices. Additionally, I’m a dedicated advocate for those venturing into the world of affiliate marketing. I specialize in creating beginner-friendly guides and helping newbie affiliates navigate this exciting online realm.

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